Thursday, December 8, 2011


Yesterday, something that made me extremely angry happened. I bet you cant guess it, not at all? Well, I will tell you. Someone on my lovely bus (bus 111)  decided that they were to steal my brand new ipod touch ( with inscription on the back) 

This all happened fairly quickly. I was sitting in my seat minding my own business when my friend Kristin decided to get into a fake slap fight with me. When this happened My ipod touch fell out of my ear buds. I didnt realize it until the end of our fake fight. I looked all around on the floor, asked all of the people in the seats around mine to look and if they had seen it. I also checked all of my belongings and all over my seat. It was gone. When I proceeded to get off of the bus, I kindly asked my bus driver to let me know if anyone gave her, or if she found my beloveded Ipod touch. No luck. 
I guess this was parcially my own fault for being slightly careless with it ( let me remind you it was sitting on my lap as I listened to it) The one thing that angers me the most, is the thought that some little jerk that rides my ghetto bus is enjoying MY ipod that I got for MY 14th birthday that MY daddy gave me. So to whomever has it I just wanna say " Eff you!" 
There is a slight glimmer of hope that maybe some one will turn it in, but I doubt it. 
Love & miss ya'll, -Erin Michelle


  1. I think your Daddy will be very sad to hear this. He was so happy for the inscription and spent a long time searching for the right gift. Did you already tell him?

  2. Did you find out who stole it yet?
